Otoplasty (Correction of prominent ears)
Otoplasty, or plastic surgery of the ear, is performed to correct deformities or defects of the ear and produce a more aesthetically pleasing and proportional shape and a more natural look. Otoplasty may improve the prominence and symmetry of your ears while having no effect on hearing ability. Most patients seeking otoplasty have ears that are protruding from the side of their head.
Otoplasty may enhance your appearance and self-esteem. Patients who are bothered by the size, shape, or protrusion of their ears are excellent candidates for otoplasty procedures. Ear surgery may give you a natural, symmetrical, balanced appearance by either pinning back your ears, changing their shape, or reducing their size.
Dr. Toriumi uses a special technique using suture fixation and soft tissue stabilization of the newly created ear shape. This technique helps to prevent suture extrusion which is one of the more common complications of otoplasty.
Dr. Toriumi will examine your features and note your concerns. He will work with you to clarify what goals you may realistically expect from ear surgery.